ISC 2017 Computer Science Question 10 solution — ISC Computer Science Question Paper 2017 Solved
ISC 2017 Computer Science Question 10 solution — ISC Computer Science Question Paper 2017 Solved
The question as follows:
A superclass Product has been defined to store the details of a product sold by a wholesaler to a retailer. Define a subclass Sales to compute the total amount paid by the retailer with or without a fine along with service tax.
Some of the members of both classes are given below:
Class name: Product
Data members/instance variables:
name: stores the name of the product
code: integer to store the product code
amount: stores the total sale amount of the product (in decimals)
Member functions/methods:
Product (String n, int c, double p): parameterized constructor to assign data members: name = n, code = c and amount = p
void show(): displays the details of the data members
Class name: Sales
Data members/instance variables:
day: stores number of days taken to pay the sale amount
tax: to store the sen ice tax (in decimals)
totamt: to store the total amount (in decimals)
Member functions/methods:
Sales(….): parameterized constructor to assign values to data members of both the classes
void compute(): calculates the service tax @ 12.4% of the actual sale amount
calculates the fine @ 2.5% of the actual sale amount only if the amount paid by the retailer to the wholesaler exceeds 30 days calculates the total amount paid by the retailer as (actual sale amount + service tax + fine)
void show (): displays the data members of the superclass and the total amount
Assume that the superclass Product has been defined. Using the concept of inheritance, specify the class Sales giving the details of the constructor (…), void compute () ) and void show(). The superclass, main function, and algorithm need NOT be written.
In the following source code, the Product contains a name, code, and amount with a parameterized constructor and show() method.
class Product
String name;
int code;
double amount;
Product(String n, int c, double p) //Constructor
name = n;
code = c;
amount = p;
void show()
System.out.println(“Name is :”+ name);
System.out.println(“Code is :” + code);
System.out.println(“Total Sale Amount:” + amount);
In the following source code, the Sales class inherits Product class with day, tax, totamt and find as an instance variable and one parameterize constructor with compute() method where the given condition is done and show() method in which super. show() called with total amount print.
class Sales extends Product {
int day;
double tax;
double totamt;
double fine = 0.0;
Sales(String n, int c, double p, int d)
super(n, c, p);
day = d;
// Compute method started
void compute()
if(day <= 30)
tax = 12.4 * amount /100;
totamt = amount + tax;
if(day > 30)
tax= 12.4 * amount /100;
fine = 2.5 * amount /100;
totamt = amount + tax + fine;
} // Compute method ended
void show ()
System.out.println (“Total amount to be paid::”+ totamt);
public static void main(String args[])
Sales ob1=new Sales(“Laptop”, 1001, 34500.0, 40);
Sales ob2=new Sales(“Printer”, 1002, 4500.0, 31);
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